If your artist applies a ‘Second Skin’, ‘Saniderm’, or other medical grade adhesive bandage:  

  • Leave the bandage on for 3-5 days - the longer the better.

  • If your artist provides you with a second piece of bandage, leave the first bandage on for 24 hours and then remove under running water and clean your tattoo following the instructions below. Once your tattoo is clean and dry, apply the additional bandage (if supplied) and leave on for 3-5 days -or- follow the instructions listed for a plain bandage below following the bandage removal.

  • Important: Always apply the bandage with clean hands. Your tattoo may collect a mixture of plasma, excess ink, and a little blood under the bandage. This is totally normal, but if the bandage leaks, remove it immediately, wash and dry your tattoo and apply the additional piece if you have one. If not, follow the aftercare instructions below. Failure to follow these instructions can result in an infection.

If your artist applies a “plain” bandage (typically a paper towel secured with medical tape or plastic wrap):

  • After leaving the shop, keep your tattoo bandaged for at least 2 hours, or until you're at home and can safely and properly clean your tattoo.

  • Repeat the cleaning process (see below) 3-5 times per day for the next three days.

  • The first night or two after getting tattooed your tattoo may ooze slightly. This is completely normal, but you may want to take steps to protect your bedding and clothing.  

To clean your tattoo: wash your tattoo with a liquid soap (antibacterial and unscented preferred, but any liquid soap will do) and warm water. Use only your clean fingertips and/or paper towels when washing your tattoo - towels/sponges/loofahs are too abrasive and can potentially scratch or damage your tattoo. Lightly pat your tattoo dry with a towel or just let it air dry - you never want to rub a fresh tattoo. Do not use bar soap as it can harbor bacteria.

After the first three days, continue to clean your tattoo twice a day – when you wake up and when you go to bed - and start applying a water-based, fragrance and dye free lotion (Lubriderm, Cetaphil, and Curel are all good brands) in a thin layer over the tattoo after cleaning it and one or more times throughout the day.  The lotion should not contain any oils and you should not use any Vaseline, A&D or petroleum-based products as they will hinder the healing process. Continue to clean and apply lotion to your tattoo for the next two weeks.

Feel free to clean your tattoo and apply the lotion more frequently and/or for a longer period of time - the cleaner and more moisturized you keep your tattoo, the quicker and better it will heal.

Do not ever pick or scratch your tattoo at any time during. You may pat it if it begins to itch. It will begin to peel after a few days, similarly to a sunburn, this is perfectly normal. Let it just flake away on its own.

During the healing process, which takes approximately two weeks after being tattooed, avoid submerging your tattoo in water. That means no pools, baths, hot tubs, ocean, etc.

Avoid sun exposure to your new tattoo during the two-week healing process. You will always want to protect your  healed tattoo from the sun's ultraviolet rays because sun exposure will fade the ink in your tattoo rapidly. We recommend always protecting your tattoo with a minimum 30SPF sunblock. We also don’t recommend strenuous exercise or activities that would result in sweating. If you have to work out, stick to low impact and wash your tattoo immediately after your work out and cool down.